Join our David vs Goliath fight!

Our community is standing strong against Royal Mail’s proposed industrialisation of Patcham Court Farm. This plan threatens to worsen flooding, exacerbate sewage leaks, pollute our drinking water, degrade air quality, increase traffic accidents, and destroy Brighton’s last historic village.

Let’s take a stand against corporate greed and big fat cats! Join us at Hove Town Hall at 1pm on Wednesday, 4th September, to protest the Royal Mail development that endangers our city. Together, we will not back down!

Protest details: Hove Town Hall, Wednesday 4th September, 1pm

Bring your friends, family, and neighbours. Bring banners, loud voices, comfortable shoes, water, and snacks. If you can, bring a drum or something to make some noise!

We’ll kick off the protest as the Planning Committee members arrive. Many will want to attend the gallery to watch the meeting, which begins at 2pm and could last a few hours.

The council gives the public only 3 MINUTES to speak to the committee, but we’ve secured the support of a professional planning consultant to make our legal arguments and highlight why this bid should be rejected.

Support responsible development

Hold the council accountable

We’re not against development, just irresponsible development. Royal Mail’s plans for Patcham are reckless, and the council should reject them. Royal Mail even has a backup plan for an industrial site in Shoreham, a site that won't risk the cities water supply!

A century ago, our city council went to Parliament to protect Patcham Court Farm for its crucial role in our water supply. Since then, they’ve rightly rejected bids for high-impact developments on Patcham Court Farm such as a supermarket, ambulance station, park and ride, and road bridge due to the land’s environmental sensitivities. 

The land hasn’t changed—so why has the council’s stance? Are standards slipping? 

If the council believes development is now safe, it should be low-impact and beneficial to the city, not destructive to the entry-point of Brighton. Royal Mail has failed to maintain its existing properties and cannot be trusted with the delicate complexities of Patcham Court Farm.

Thank you for your support

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